Quad Squad COmics

Quad Sqaud originally started as a brand that celebrates UK skating culture through characters. The markmakers basically challenged me to make a comic and I've wanted to create one for a while. The story follows a collective of skaters really looking for a place to skate in peace! Something we all relate to.
COME TO THE SPACE - Click here to RSVP
21st - 27th October
This October i'm doing my 2nd Residency at the Playroom in Archway! Im also creating opportunities for YOU to get your own personalised Cameo character for the comic. Picture this as a Window to getting your own personal character at a suuuuper special rate as a thanks for helping me develop this comic! Ill have 10 Slots open from the 21st - to the 26th. Come through and ill draw you in the quad squad style and feature you in future issues.

Comic Cameo Character

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Get Your character featured in Wumzum's Next Quadsquad Comic. It'll be an Inperson portrait
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